Distinguishing mechanisms of social contagion from local network view

The adoption of individual behavioural patterns is largely determined by stimuli arriving from peers via social interactions or from external sources. Based on these influences, individuals are commonly assumed to follow simple or complex adoption …

The structural evolution of temporal hypergraphs through the lens of hyper-cores

The richness of many complex systems stems from the interactions among their components. The higher-order nature of these interactions, involving many units at once, and their temporal dynamics constitute crucial properties that shape the behaviour …

The dynamics of higher-order novelties

The Heaps’ law, which characterises the growth of novelties, has triggered new mathematical descriptions, based on urn models or on random walks, of the way we explore the world. However, an often overlooked aspect is that novelties can also arise as …

The temporal dynamics of group interactions in higher-order social networks

The structure and behaviour of many social systems are shaped by the interactions among their individuals. Representing them as complex networks has shed light on the mechanisms that govern their formation and evolution. Such representations, …

Social interactions affect discovery processes

Our network of acquaintances determines how we get exposed to ideas, products, or cultural artworks (books, music, movies, etc.). Though this principle is part of our common sense, little is known about the specific pathways through which our …