Project Partners

Nash equilibria for load balancing in networked power systems

1. Upside Energy Ltd

Upside Energy has successfully secured funding from Innovate UK to pilot a virtual energy store aggregating thousands of domestic storage and response devices in a consortium project involving Sharp Laboratories of Europe Ltd, and also a DECC Energy Entrepreneurs award to create an open innovation environment to develop algorithms for portfolio optimisation within their energy store. Upside Energy's business model is focused on energy storage rather than demand response and their business concept is at the center of our proposed network modelling.

2. Future Decisions Ltd

Future Decisions is an innovative UK startup company providing sensors and control algorithms for "smart city" infrastructure, with an emphasis on predictive analytics. Their solution aggregates demand response from multiple heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems over secure networked connections. As part of the Cognicity Challenge smart cities accelerator programme, Future Decisions recently won the opportunity to pilot this solution in the ongoing development of Canary Wharf, creating a showcase connected city.